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Collection Profile for:
Royal Ontario Museum - Ornithology (Non Passeriformes) (ROM-BirdsNP)

The collection is extremely strong in diversity of island species throughout the world and contains significant historical collections of importance. The Fleming collection, once considered the most comprehensive private collection of birds in North America, contains many unique collections from Africa, Europe, India, China, and Island Archipelagos of the world. The study skin collection contains one of the largest collections in the world of extinct birds, including 1 specimen of the extinct Labrador Duck (1 of 54 mounted skins in world), 1 specimen of the extinct Great Auk (1 of 78 mounted skins in world), miscellaneous skeletal parts of Great Auk specimens, 14 specimens of the extinct Carolina Parakeet and many other species. The frozen tissue collection contains the largest collection of blood and DNA from endangered kiwi populations in New Zealand, as well as bone shavings and DNA from the 14 extinct species of giant moas. Extensive series of New World Owls. 



Cite this collection:
Royal Ontario Museum - Ornithology (Non Passeriformes). Occurrence dataset (ID: b91638b5-ef88-4731-ad72-9ff0005acfe8) accessed via the New Brunswick Museum Collections Portal, biodiverse-nb.ca/portal, 2024-12-03).

Collection Statistics

  • 246 specimen records
  • 245 (100%) georeferenced
  • 245 (100%) identified to species
  • 19 families
  • 49 genera
  • 29 species
  • 67 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 November 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: Royal Ontario Museum
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