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International Barcode of Life (iBOL-New Brunswick)
Established in 2008, the International Barcode of Life Consortium (iBOL, http://www.ibol.org/) is a research alliance of nations with the desire to transform biodiversity science by building the DNA barcode reference libraries, the sequencing facilities, the informatics platforms, the analytical protocols, and the international collaboration required to inventory and assess biodiversity.
iBOL has overseen the completion of one major program, BARCODE 500K, and a second program, BIOSCAN runs for seven years from June 2019. The first program barcoded 500,000 species reflecting the investment of $150 million by research organizations in 25 nations. Building on this success, BIOSCAN will extend barcode coverage to 2.5 million species by 2025. This program will stimulate activation of the Planetary Biodiversity Mission (PBM) – iBOL’s final project. PBM is a research initiative that will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the composition and distribution of multi-cellular life by 2045.
Barcode of Life Data Systems, info@boldsystems.org
International Barcode of Life Project, info@iBOL.org
International Barcode of Life. Occurrence dataset (ID: f01caa5a-c733-46fe-84c8-dac2579cbb33) accessed via the New Brunswick Museum Collections Portal, biodiverse-nb.ca/portal, 2025-02-08).
Collection Statistics
- 74,074 specimen records
- 72,240 (98%) georeferenced
- 16,641 (22%) with images (19,237 total images)
- 71,133 GenBank genetic references
- 25,702 (35%) identified to species
- 851 families
- 2,280 genera
- 3,026 species
- 3,042 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)