Dataset: QFA-Bryophytes
Search Criteria: Canada; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 470

Herbier Louis-Marie - Bryophytes

Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
QFA0204530Habeeb, Herbert   9411949-07-02
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria County, Ennishone, near shore Cormier's Lake

QFA0208609Habeeb, Herbert   9361949-06-29
Canada, New Brunswick, California, Victoria Co., 47.45 -66.15

QFA0208627Habeeb, Herbert ; Davidson, D. W.   781944-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick., 45.945278 -66.666667

QFA0208886Habeeb, Herbert   9561949-09-14
Canada, New Brunswick, Cormier's Lake, Ennishore, Victoria County., 47.033333 -67.65

QFA0208887H. H.   801945-09-15
Canada, New Brunswick, Grand Falls., 47.05 -67.733333

QFA0208888Habeeb, Herbert ; Davidson, D. W.   791944-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton., 45.945278 -66.666667

QFA0208994Habeeb, Herbert   9421949-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton. End of Smythe St., 45.945278 -66.666667

QFA0209008Gleason, Henry Allan   1451936-01-01
Canada, New Brunswick, Grand Manan and adjacent islands in the Bay of Fundy, Charlotte County. Kent's Island., 44.698056 -66.822222

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0209042Habeeb, Herbert   9431949-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick. End of Smythe Street., 45.945278 -66.666667

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0209059Habeeb, Herbert   7991944-06-21
Canada, New Brunswick, Near 10-miles Brook of Little River, Madawaska Co, New-Brunswick., 47.166667 -67.666667

QFA0209062Habeeb, Herbert   7981944-06-21
Canada, New Brunswick, Near 10-mile Brook of Little River, Madawaska Co., 47.166667 -67.666667

Sphagnum subsecundum Nees in Sturm
QFA0209098Habeeb, Herbert   9591949-10-10
Canada, New Brunswick, Saint-André. Madawaska Co., 47.101389 -67.759722

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305228Habeeb, Herbert   9321949-06-29
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : California, 47.433333 -66.15

QFA0305229Habeeb, Herbert   9351949-06-29
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : California, 47.433333 -66.15

QFA0305236Habeeb, Herbert   9361949-06-29
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : California, 47.433333 -66.15

QFA0305241Habeeb, Herbert   9401949-07-02
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : Near shor of Cormier's Lake, Ennishone., 47.033333 -67.65

QFA0305245Habeeb, Herbert   nd1949-09-14
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co.: Near shore of Cormier's Lake, Ennishone, 47.0775 -67.675556

QFA0305367Habeeb, Herbert   15801951-06-22
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co.: 8 miles south of Grand Falls, 47.05 -67.733333

QFA0305371Habeeb, Herbert   15921951-07-26
Canada, New Brunswick, Albert Co. : Point Wolfe, 45.55 -65.016667

QFA0305534Bagnell, Bruce A.   03331990-07-11
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Cape Spencer (near lighthouse), east of Saint John., 45.2 -65.916667

Sphagnum imbricatum Hornsch. ex Russow pro parte
QFA0305539Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   02921990-07-06
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co.: Near Musquash, 45.166667 -66.3

Sphagnum flavicomans (Cardot) Warnst.
QFA0305547Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   02961990-07-06
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Near Muquash, 45.166667 -66.3

Sphagnum pulchrum (Lindb. ex Braithw.) Warnst.
QFA0305548Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   03011990-07-06
Canada, New Brunswick, ST JOHN CO. : Near Muquash., 45.166667 -66.3

QFA0305549Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   03061990-07-06
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Near Musquash., 45.166667 -66.3

Sphagnum pulchrum (Lindb. ex Braithw.) Warnst.
QFA0305550Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   03121990-07-06
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Near Musquash, 45.166667 -66.3

QFA0305558Bagnell, Bruce A.   04051990-08-21
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Small bog on roadside along Old Black River Road, near Saint John., 45.25 -65.933333

QFA0305608Bagnell, Bruce A. ; COldwell, A.; Noel, P. E.   1065a1994-07-12
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co.: Acamac Backland Road, along SW trending powerline, approx. 1 Km W of Acamac. (Site of Showy Lady's-slipper)., 45.266667 -66.166667

QFA0305611Bagnell, Bruce A. ; McGovern, J.   10841994-07-15
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Acamac Backland Road, alomg SW trending powerline, approx. 1 Km W of Acamac. (Site of Showy Lady's-slipper)., 45.266667 -66.166667

QFA0305612Bagnell, Bruce A. ; McGovern, J.   10921994-07-15
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Acamac Backland Road, along SW trending powerline, approx. 1 Km W of Acamac. (Site of Showy Lady's-slipper)., 45.266667 -66.15

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305622Bagnell, Bruce A. ; McApine, D. F.; Clayden, Stephen R.   11491994-09-01
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co.: On plateau between Little Salmon River and Rapidity Brook, 8 Km SSE of Crawford Lake., 45.516667 -65.266667

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305663Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   8041991-08-01
Canada, New Brunswick, Westmorlamd Co. : Goose Lake Bog, approx. 12 km north of Havelock., 46.116667 -65.333333

Sphagnum imbricatum Hornsch. ex Russow pro parte
QFA0305665Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   8121991-08-03
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Charlotte; Locality : Small bog on road to Cranberry Lake, approx. i Km north of Lepreau., 45.183333 -66.466667

Sphagnum subsecundum Nees in Sturm
QFA0305668Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   8221991-09-01
Canada, New Brunswick, Kings Co. : Watched Bog, 3 Km north of Snider Mountain., 45.866667 -65.616667

Sphagnum flavicomans (Cardot) Warnst.
QFA0305671Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   7771991-07-25
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Tynemouth Creek Bogs, approx. 1 Km west of Tynemouth Creek, 4.5 Km south of Fairfield., 45.3 -65.65

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0305672Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   7831991-07-25
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co,: Tynemouth Creek Bogs, approx 1 Km west of Tynemouth Creek, 4.5 Km south of Fairfield., 45.3 -65.666667

QFA0305673Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   7841991-07-25
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Tynemouth Creek Bogs, approx. 1 Km west of Tynemouth Creek, 4.5 Km south of Fairfield., 45.3 -65.666667

QFA0305675Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   7871991-07-25
Canada, New Brunswick, St John Co. : Tynemouth Creek Bogs, approx 1 Km west of Tynemouth Creek, 4.5 Km south of Fairfield., 45.3 -65.65

QFA0305684Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R. ; Bishop, G.; McAlpine, D. F.   6431991-05-28
Canada, New Brunswick, ST JOHN CO. : Cape Spencer bog, near Millican Lake., 45.216667 -65.9, 84 - 84m

QFA0305694Bagnell, Bruce A.   6931991-06-12
Canada, New Brunswick, Restigouche Co. : McCormack Lake., 47.566667 -66.683333

QFA0305696Bagnell, Bruce A.   6981991-06-12
Canada, New Brunswick, Restigouche Co.L McCormack Lake., 47.566667 -66.683333

QFA0305710Bagnell, Bruce A.   7221991-06-13
Canada, New Brunswick, Northumberland Co. : East Branch Devils Elbow Brook, along road in valley., 47.416667 -66.4

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0305713Bagnell, Bruce A.   7331991-06-13
Canada, New Brunswick, Nothumberland Co. : Knoll Spruce Lake., 47.4 -66.15

QFA0305715Bagnell, Bruce A.   7531991-06-13
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co. : At edge of beaver pond, off orad along Little River, approx. 16 Km southwest of Bathurst., 47.6 -65.666667

QFA0305769Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R. ; Marshall, J. B.   9081992-07-31
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Powerline Bog, 1.5 km NW of Chance Harbour., 45.133333 -66.366667

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0305776Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   0811989-08-10
Canada, New Brunswick, Sunbury Co. : Bull Pasture Plains, 30 Km E of Fredericton., 46.033333 -66.333333

Sphagnum subsecundum Nees in Sturm
QFA0305777McAlpine, D. F.   nd1992-06-19
Canada, New Brunswick, Northumberland Co. : Otter Brook, approx. 2 Km SW of Dennis at junction with the SW Miramichi River., 46.866667 -66.033333

Sphagnum fimbriatum Wils. in Wils. & Hook. f.
QFA0305785McAlpine, D. F.   nd1992-06-24
Canada, New Brunswick, Charlotte Co. : Grand Manan, Kent Island., 44.583333 -66.75

QFA0305800Hewson, C. A.   nd1969-05-30
Canada, New Brunswick, Queens Co.: Kejimkujik National Park., 44.4 -65.2, 91 - 91m

Sphagnum imbricatum Hornsch. ex Russow pro parte
QFA0305813Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   9411993-06-08
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co.: Miscou Island, at Birch Point, immediately west of Petit Lac Chiasson, 48 -64.5

QFA0305814Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   9481993-06-08
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co.: Miscou Island, at Birch Point, immediately west of Petit lac Chiasson., 48 -64.5

Sphagnum pulchrum (Lindb. ex Braithw.) Warnst.
QFA0305815Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   9531993-06-08
Canada, New Brunswick, GLOUCESTER CO. : Miscou Island, at Birch Point, immediately west of Petit Lac Chiasson., 48 -64.5

QFA0305817Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   958b1993-06-08
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co. : Approx 1 Km WNW of Wilson Point, just north of road., 47.933333 -64.5

QFA0305820Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   961a1993-06-08
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co.: Approx. 1 Km WNW of Wilson Point, just north of road., 47.933333 -64.5

Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. ex Hoffm.
QFA0305824Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   9641993-06-09
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester Co. : Halfway between Haut-Lameque and Ste-Marie-sur-Mer, south side of road., 47.783333 -64.6

QFA0305825Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R.   9671993-06-09
Canada, New Brunswick, GLOUCESTER CO. : Halfway between Haut-lameque and Ste-Marie-sur-Mer, south side of road., 47.783333 -64.6

QFA0305834Clayden, Stephen R. ; McAlpine, D. F. ; Miller, R. F.   76421993-08-16
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Plateau between Big Salmon RIver and Long Beach Brook, 2 km NE of mouth of Big Salmon River (air photo DNR 84523-120)., 46.416667 -65.383333, 180 - 180m

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305838Clayden, Stephen R. ; McAlpine, D. F.; Miller, R. F.   76451993-08-16
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Plateau between Big Salmon RIver and Long Beach Brook, 2 km NE of mouth of Big Salmon River (air phot DNR 84523-120)., 45.433333 -65.383333, 180 - 180m

Sphagnum pulchrum (Lindb. ex Braithw.) Warnst.
QFA0305842Clayden, Stephen R. ; McAlpine, D. F. ; Miller, R. F.   77521993-08-18
Canada, New Brunswick, ST JOHN CO. : Ca 750 n WSW of confluence of Walton Glen Brook and Little Salmon RIver., 45.483333 -65.3, 210 - 210m

Sphagnum tenellum (Brid.) Bory
QFA0305844Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bagnell, S. A.   1023a1994-04-16
Canada, New Brunswick, St John Co. : Small circular bog, 2 Km NW of nouth of Gardner Creek, Gardner Creek area approx. 40 Km E of Saint John along coast., 45.283333 -65.733333

QFA0305845Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R. ; Fletcher, T.; McAlpine, D. F.   11571994-09-01
Canada, New Brunswick, ST. JOHN CO. : Dowdall Lake, approx. 4 Km NE of the mouth of Little Salmon Riber., 45.5 -65.25

QFA0305846Bagnell, Bruce A. ; ùsutton, S.   11201994-08-11
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Renforth Bog, along Highway 1, approx. 7 km NE of Saint John city., 45.35 -66

Sphagnum imbricatum Hornsch. ex Russow pro parte
QFA0305847Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Sutton, S.   11301994-08-11
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co.: Small pond area along Taylors Brook, approx. 2 Km SE of Rothesay, along new highway., 45.383333 -65.966667

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0305854Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Sutton, S.   11871994-10-07
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Rockwood Park., 45.316667 -66.05

QFA0305855Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.; Bell, G.   12301995-07-05
Canada, New Brunswick, Westmorland Co.: Dead Brook Bog (unofficial designation), approx. 14 Km NNE of New Canaan, 30 Km NW of Salisbury., 46.2 -65.35

QFA0305856Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   13551996-06-12
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality: Approx. 1200 m from Stillwater Access road along trail to Stillwater Falls, approx. 11 km N of Kegwick, 47.733333 -67.366667

QFA0305858Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   1415a1996-06-09
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Sneaker heath, on road to Bologna Gulch, approx. 1.5 Km. northeast of bridge crossing Stillwater Brook, approx. 11 km N of Kedgwick., 47.733333 -67.35

QFA0305861Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   1445a1996-06-24
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Along the S shore of Stillwater Lake, near teh mouth of Lightning Brook, approx. 5.75 km NE of Kegwick, 47.683333 -67.333333

Sphagnum teres (Schimp.) Ångstr. in Hartm.
QFA0305863Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop. G.; Saunders, D.; Loo, J.   23652001-06-11
Canada, New Brunswick, County : St. John; Locality : Ghost Lake, approximately 5 kilometers south-southwest of Grand Bay, approximately 1 kilometer west of the junction of Highway 7 and Route 177, 45.266667 -66.266667

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305865Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R. ; Bourque, M.; Goltz. J.; Toner, M.   2383a2001-07-22
Canada, New Brunswick, County : York; Locality : Approximately 9 kilometers west of hartin Settlement and 6 kilometers northeast of First Eel Lake, in calcareous fens marginal to large peatland complex., 45.9 -67.633333

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305879Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Clayden, Stephen R. ; McCarron, J.   9721993-06-17
Canada, New Brunswick, St. John Co. : Approx. 3 Km NE of Chance Harbour, at the head of Hay Brook., 45.15 -66.333333

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0305918Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   12691996-05-22
Canada, New Brunswick, County : St. John; Locality : Theobald Lake Bog, approx. 1 KM SE of Theobald Lake, 1 KM N of Grassy Lake, 45.466667 -65.5

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0305922Bagnell, Bruce A.   1896a1997-08-07
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Campbelton, Sugarloaf Provincial Park, near the west park corner boundary, at headwater area of brook flowing into the Walker Brook (south gully)., 47.966667 -66.683333

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0305942Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   19641998-06-18
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Northumberland; Locality : Mt. Carleton Provincial Park, on north side of park road, north of Pine Point (pine Point Mini-Bog), 47.393611 -66.8075

QFA0305957Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   20441998-07-14
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Northumberland; Locality ; Mt. Carleton Provincial Park, head of Dry Brook, approx. 4.0 Km due west of the north end of Bathurst Lake, 47.382222 -66.870833

QFA0305958Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   2079a1998-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, County: Northumberland; Locality: Mt. Carlteton Provincial Park, along small brook (Gem Brook), approx. 2.5 Km of Mt. Carleton, on west slope of mountains (Gem Rocks), 47.388333 -66.901667

QFA0305961Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   22632000-07-17
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Charlotte; Locality : Gleason Point area, on the south shore of King Brook Lake, 45.333333 -67.4

Sphagnum lindbergii Schimp. in Lindb.
QFA0305971Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.; Clayden, Stephen R. ; Marmont, J.   23482001-05-22
Canada, New Brunswick, County : St.John; Locality : Approximately 3 kilometers southwest of South Musquash, aprroximately 3 kilometers southeast of Anderson Lake, south of the Musquash river, 45.166667 -66.316667

Sphagnum subsecundum Nees in Sturm
QFA0305985Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   20891998-08-22
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Northumberland; Locality : Mt. Carleton Provicial Park, large meadow developed along Garrett Brook (Horseshoe Meadow), appeox 4 Km W of Mount Peters., 47.406111 -66.758333

QFA0305987Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.   15631996-08-08
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Peatland approx. 8 Km NW of St. Qunetin, approx. 6 Km due west of Rang-Douze-Nord., 47.566667 -67.466667

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0305998Three-D Geoconsultants   nd1999-01-01
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Gloucester; Locality : Paquetville Bog (Adrien Landry Bog), approx. 5 Km E of Paquetville., 47.666667 -65.033333

QFA0306005Three-D Geoconsultants   nd1999-09-01
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Kent; Locality : Bog 25, approx 22 Km NW of Harcourt, 15 KM SW of Kent Junction, 46.533333 -65.516667

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0306006Three-D Geoconsultants   nd1999-09-01
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Kent; Locality : Bog 25, approx. 22 Km NW of harcourt, 15 Km SW of Kent Junction, 46.533333 -65.516667

Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr.
QFA0306023Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G.; Bell, G.   12361995-07-05
Canada, New Brunswick, Westmorland Co. : Dead Brook Bog (unofficial designation), approx. 14 Km NNE of New Canaan, 30 Km NW of Slaisbury., 46.2 -65.35

QFA0306026Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G et al.   12791996-06-04
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Étangs Morin (Bog), at SE corner of bog, approx. 5 km NE of Kedgwick, 47.683333 -67.316667

QFA0306039Habeeb, Herbert   nd1944-08-06
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : Fredericton, 45.945278 -66.666667

QFA0306044Habeeb, Herbert   nd1945-09-15
Canada, New Brunswick, Victoria Co. : Grand Falls., 47.0525 -67.735

Sphagnum teres (Schimp.) Ångstr. in Hartm.
QFA0306053Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   1465a1996-07-02
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Stillwater Brook, in the stillwater lake area south of the barrage, north of the public landing, approx 7 Km N of Kedgwick., 47.716667 -67.35

QFA0306061Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G et al.   14711996-07-03
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Etangs Morin (bog), along the south side, approx. 4.5 km NE of Kegwick., 47.683333 -67.316667

Sphagnum majus (Russow) C. Jens
QFA0306066Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   15291996-07-22
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche, Étangs Morin (bog), near ponds on west side of bog, aprrox. 4.5 Km NE of Kegwick., 47.683333 -67.316667

QFA0306071Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G et al.   15471996-07-31
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Hooker's Meadow, approx. 300 m west of Stillwater Road, north of the Public Landing, approx. 7.5 km N of Kedgwick., 47.716667 -67.35

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0306328Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   13011996-06-07
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche; Locality : Forgotten Bog, E of Stillwater road, approx. 6 km N of Kedgwick., 47.7 -67.316667

QFA0306334Bagnell, Bruce A. ; Bishop, G. et al.   13191996-06-10
Canada, New Brunswick, County : Restigouche, Lac a MOrin, approx. 4km NE of Kedgwick., 47.683333 -67.316667

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0428195ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G84-M11989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc national de Kouchibouguac., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0428196ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G93-M21989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc national de Kouchibouguac., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens. ex Russ.) C. Jens.
QFA0428197ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G87-M21989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc national de Kouchibouguac., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

QFA0428241ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G92-M21989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc nationale de Kouchibouguac. Nouveau-Brunswick., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

QFA0428242ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G86b-M11989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc nationale de Kouchibouguac. Nouveau-Brunswick., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

QFA0428243ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G83-M21989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc nationale de Kouchibouguac. Nouveau-Brunswick., 46.883333 -65.583333, 25 - 25m

Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.
QFA0428255ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G82-M11989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc national de Kouchibouguac. Nouveau-Brunswick., 46.883333 -65.583333

QFA0428275ENAVS (Eastern North American Vegetation Survey)   G82-M21989-09-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Parc national de Kouchibouguac., 46.883333 -65.583333

Page 1, records 1-100 of 470

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